September 21, 2007

While we were in Madison we had to go see our friends Mary Evelyn and Jason and their sweet baby girl, Brinkley. They have a new house and a new baby and are doing so great! We had a good time catching up and talking about babies! Haha. It's so funny how our conversations have changed--now we talk about sleeping through the night, poop, and breastfeeding. :)
Jack and Brinkley laid on the floor together and just kinda looked at eachother. Jack did roll over to her and give her a kiss on the nose. It was so cute and sweet! We were Oohing and Ahhing and taking pictures. It goes without saying, but Brinkley is adorable! She's so tiny and sweet! I loved getting to meet her! Jason and Meg are doing a great job! They are great parents!

We're Mommys now!

Me and Mary Evelyn with our little ones, Jack and Brinkley.

Brinkley and Jack flirting. :)

Here they are having a conversation about how great their Mommies are.

Sunday on the way home to Arkansas we stopped in Yazoo City at Brian's Grandmamma's house. She really enjoyed seeing Jack and kept saying how big he's gotten and how cute he is. They had a great time together.

Jack was very interested in Grandmamma's walker. She just laughed at him. :)

September 20, 2007

Getting Spoiled by Nana and Papa

We had a great time in Madison at my Mom and Dad's (Nana and Papa) house. My sister, Elizabeth has a new digital camera and we went CRAZY with it! We must have taken 200 pictures of Jack. We now have a grand total of over 1,000 pictures of our little man. WOW!!!! How insane is that?

This is our favorite picture from this weekend. He is so precious!

Aunt Elizabeth made us put this Southern Miss outfit on Jack. We always pick on her for loving her "Golden Buzzards" as we call them. Jack didn't stay in the outfit long once Brian saw it. hahaha.

Cool man Jack.

Saturday was such a beautiful day so we put a blanket down in the shade and let Jack play. He loved being outside. Now that it's getting cooler and Jack can wear sunscreen soon, we'll be playing outside a lot! Jack loves playing with my hair and thinks it's hilarious when I blow raspberries on his stomach. I love hearing him laugh!

What a little charmer!Sunday morning we all took a walk around my parents' neighborhood. Jack had a good time riding along and chillin out.
Jack and Zoey, my sister's dog. Zoey and her mom, Belle, are the queens of the house and they were feeling very neglected while Jack was there. I don't know why??? :) Finally, we let the dogs get closer. Jack was so excited! He loves dogs.

Brian took this picture and I am in love with it! So cute!

Drooley man! He's getting two teeth in on the bottom and the drooling gets out of control at times.

September 14, 2007

Busy Baby Boy

Jack's new favorite thing--reaching for any and every thing within sight.
I think he's trying to get the computer in this picture.

More green bean pictures. He gets really messy when mommy feeds him.

Reaching for the camera.

I love his Bumbo--it's so easy to feed him in, and easy to clean too. He tends to spray green beans all over the place sometimes. :)

Jack is rolling around like crazy, and he really loves to roll over to the coffee table and play around and under it. Here he is playing with a sock--his favorite toys--and relaxing with his feet up on the table. He cracks me up!

Washcloths are his other favorite toys. Go figure. :)

Jack also likes to "help" mommy with the laundry. He especially likes "folding" the washcloths.

September 10, 2007

A Full House

We have been so busy lately and have had lots of company come to stay too, which has been fun. Brian's good friend, Jax, came to stay with us for almost 2 weeks while the pole plant got up and running. He and Brian worked so hard and now the plant is producing, and Brian is still working hard!
Brian's sister and her fiance', Chris, came for Labor day weekend.
CONGRATULATIONS TO THEM on their engagement!!!!!! They've been dating for 7 years, and are so in love, and so cute! It was so good to see them and for them to spend some time with Jack. Amanda absolutely adores him and he loves her so much! They had a great time together. I don't have any pictures of them b/c the camera batteries were dead, we'll get some next time for sure.
Jack is getting so big! He still loves his cereal--we tried out Oatmeal this week and he gobbled it up! Today we tried vegetables for the first time. I wasn't sure how it would go, but our little man is such a great eater and he loved the green beans. The face he made after the first bite was priceless! But he got used to it and ate an entire container! We are preparing ourselves for the aftermath in the diaper department! :)

Jack and Jax. Jack wasn't too happy--I think he's starting a little bit of seperation/stranger anxiety. I felt bad,b/c he kept on crying and fussing whenever Jax tried to hold him.

Playing Playing Playing. Yes, he still blinks when I take pictures, but look at that beautiful smile!

I got Jack a set of about 6 balls that all make different sounds and are different colors and patterns that he has started enjoying a lot. They are just the right size for him to hold in one hand, and he shakes them in the air over and over. I love watching him do that!!!!!! It' s like he's saying, "Look mom!" So cute!
He still loves playing with washcloths. He stuffs them in his mouth like this and rolls around to play. I'm constantly taking them out and making sure he's not swallowing them or letting them block his nose. Sometimes I have to just put them away b/c they make me nervous. I'm such a mom!
Jack's first encounter with the lovely green bean--well, a form of it anyway.
It was finger-lickin' good!

"Mom, do you see this empty mouth? I want more food! More!!!!!!"


I truly love this little guy more and more every day! Thank you Father for him!

We Have Satelite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 1/2 years of marriage
1 baby boy
1 dog
2 houses in 2 states
and only
4 TV channels?!?!?!?!?!?
But we now have Dish and we are so excited! We spent all day Saturday watching TV and playing with Jack, and I've already recorded 4 or 5 things! YEAH! We can pause, rewind, fast-forward, and record! It's fabulous! We have commited to not get addicted, and not constantly have the TV on, and I think we'll do OK. The only 2 negatives are: #1- that I have to wear my glasses to watch TV now so I can read the TV guide (I need to wear them more anyway), and #2- now that I have been watching HGTV constantly I am itching to decorate everything within reach! :) Yeah for 200 channels!