I hope you're ready for a few pictures, cause here they come, along with some Chisholm family updates. :)
This is a favorite spot for both Jack and Ali Grace--behind the chair looking out the window. Sometimes they just look outside, other times they play with cars on the window sill. And you should see the window sill! The thing has more dents in it than poor old bullseye used too! They love it in this spot. Jack is pretty good about sharing it with Ali Grace, and I think it will be the site of many hours of play and plotting for a while to come.
And here's what the kids are up these days:
*Talking a mile a minute and putting sentences together so well!
*Singing all the time. He can sing his ABC's, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Jesus Loves Me, and Old MacDonald. He loves being sung too, especially before bed.
*Playing in the pool. He loves water!
*Getting mad when Ali Grace gets in his things.
*Getting sassier! He gave me a dirty look the other day that was incredible! I was about to "snatch him right up" but Brian took care of it.
*Being just as social as ever. He loves going to church and asks to go daily. He has a great time with all of the other kids. There are a ton of little boys about his age and they have a blast!
*Getting so excited about the beach. Whenever he sees a picture of the beach he gets really excited! He talks all about the sand and the water and all of the fun he's going to have.
*Being such a sweetie! He's doing great with his pleases and thank yous, and we're working on changing "yeah" to "yes ma'am/sir"
Ali Grace:
*Getting more mobile by the day. She crawls soooo fast and she is pulling up on everything in reach and starting to cruise. She crawls after Jack wherever he goes and wants to be just like him.
*Babbling and talking all the time too! "dadadada" is one of her faves and she says "mamamama" when she's upset and wants me. And somethings similar to "ahh-good-ahh-good-ahh" is one she says too.
*SQUEALING!!!! Oh the girl has a good set of lungs! When she gets going it is hilarious! The other day she was around a teeny baby and she got so excited every time she saw her--just squealing and talking--that poor little girl was probably scared to death.
*Being fearless! She pulls up on the furniture and just lets go, tumbling all over the place, and she bumps into things constantly but it doesn't phase her. She just keeps on going.
*Being the cutest and cuddliest little thing! Oh this girl and her big eyes, smiles, and hugs just gets me!!!
So....we're all doing great. We have a ton of trips planned this summer and I'm going to try to keep the posting up MUCH better! I'll try and post sometime soon!
Thanks for the update! Your family is so sweet and cute! Can you believe how fast the kids change? And a/b bathing... we bathe Ben and Faith together sometimes now. They're cute. Faith even does ok when Ben pours water over her head ;)
Thanks for updating. I love the new pictures. I can't wait to go to the beach with ya'll!
Love you!
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