A few months ago I decided to jump on the "Green" band wagon and start recycling. We go through A LOT of trash--about 4 gallons of milk a week, 6 to 7 cans of fruits and veggies, a couple of large boxes of diapers a month, tons of plastic bags, not to mention the laundry detergent, cereal boxes, soap dispensers and other misc. items. So I thought I should help Earth out a little. I got pumped up and put my organizing mania to work and cleared out a little place on the top shelf of our shoe rack/mud room thingy in our laundry room and started putting aside milk jugs, cans, boxes, bags....etc.
Well, little did I know that not only does Rison have NOWHERE to take recycling, but neither does Pine Bluff (the nearest big town). So I've been stockpiling and calling all over Arkansas to find somewhere to take everything. Meanwhile the recycling crept down the shelves and over to the washer and dryer. I was very tempted to just throw it all away ( an idea Brian was all for), but I just couldn't abandon Earth like that, so I pushed on!
Finally I found a place in Little Rock (an hour away and somewhere that we don't go very often) that takes everything and doesn't require sorting! Yippeee!
So this week I will be hauling myself, Jack, and approximately 26 milk jugs, a zillion cans, and several cardboard and glass items to LR to be Green. :) I'm not going just for that--Jack has to get a shot that the ped. was out of last visit too, so it's not all about the recycling. However, after this adventure I think I'm going to hang up my recycling hat at least until the baby gets here and things settle down a bit. Who knew being Green could be so hard?????
I'm proud of you for trying though. Mother Earth says thanks for the effort.
I'm totally proud of you for recycling! We really do all have a responsibility to use wisely the resources God allows us to have! You could always save recycling and send it back with your family members who visit. We used to pile it in the car (from starkville) and take it all the way to Madison when we visited. We would have huge trunk-fulls by the time we went!
Also... how the heck do you guys drink 4 gallons of milk a week?! You should probably just go ahead and buy a cow.
I'm so glad to know I'm not the only one who lives in a town that's not recycle friendly. I've been trying to set-up recycling for all the paper we use at the church and I can GET NO HELP! I haven't been able to find anyone who recycles office paper. I'm glad to see you found an outlet, I'm still rather frustrated! I want to cry for all the trees!
all you people need to move to Birmingham. We have plenty of recycle places around her. If you're really committed to saving the planet, you'll move here...
since crystal put in a plug for b-ham, i'll put in one for colorado...you know with all of the environmental nuts out here that we have curbside recycling w/ the weekly trash pick up w/ out sorting ;)
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